Today he was a Pirate. Maybe tomorrow he'll be a SpiderMan or Batman!
J is capable in entertaining himself for a couple of hours. He's full of imagination and he'll say the cutest thing to his miniature toy soldiers.
After that, he'll move on to another play idea. His recent favourite play was getting one of us to pull him around the house. He'll be sitting in a box attached with dad's belt.
I believe children who are force fed their entertainment with TV and video games will eventually loose the ability to entertain themselves. But when viewed or played in moderation, they're great entertainment.
Ways to boost your child's creativity:
- Limit TV, computer time,
- Visit the museum, library, see musicals, plays or attend concerts,
- Get activities that have no right or wrong rules - lego, playdoh, creating shape puzzle
- Play 'what if'. Ask them questions like - what if you're stuck on the moon? What if you're a horse? What if you are invisible?
- Let them have free play - with no learning goals or educational purpose. You'll be surprise how imaginative and happy they'll be.