Friday, July 2, 2010

Tea Time

I'm definitely a fan of TEA. I drink tea everyday. I drink tea during summer time, winter time, right after I wake up, I drink tea before going to bed and wakes up at least four times peeing tea!
I enjoy the light, delicate flavor, compared to drinking just plain water and it's a good way to avoid drinking fizzy drinks.
Don't get me wrong, I do drink water, but I prefer the taste of tea and not forgetting the benefits of it too.
We all know that tea helps our overall health and well-being. They're high in antioxidants, anti-aging, eliminate heartburn, helps in weight loss, good for our skin etc...
Tea also has less caffeine than coffee, so the next time you make your way to the coffee machine, press the 'tea' button.

Ways to brew my fav. pot of tea (timing depending on the quantity of tea leaves, i also prefer loose tea leaves to tea bags) :
  • White/Green Tea - steep for 1-3mins, water steaming (not boiling)
  • Oolong Tea - steep for 3 mins, water light boil
  • Pu-Erh Tea - steep for 2-10 mins, water rolling boil
  • Herbal Tea -steep for 5 mins (longer the better), water rolling boil

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